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Thursday, September 5, 2019
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Iconic Minneapolis nightclub First Avenue evacuates after portions of the ceiling collapse on audience members. The debris from a 30 foot by 30 foot portion of ceiling injures three or four concertgoers during a show by Canadian rock band Theory of a Deadman, a "shocked" First Ave General Manager Nate Kranz tells City Pages the night of the incident. None of the injuries are serious, and the club reopens later that month with a new ceiling.
Friday, April 19, 2019
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No songs about the players on the pitch, no invention, just a bunch of oafswho think it is acceptable to taunt away supporters about a conflict that ended 72 years ago. Those that actually fought in that conflict not only don't want you to sing about it, but probably feel entirely miserable that their valiant efforts have ended in people like you being allowed to travel abroad. Anyway, I look forward to those same twats crying in Russia because they been arrested unfairly or beaten up but I only threw a small chair, honest guv..
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Texans CB Kareem Jackson got his first career sack. Watson's TD came on the longest run by a Texan since Arian Foster had a 51 yard run against the Jaguars in 2014. The Mayo County Board of the GAA was formed in 1888 and the Connaught Council established in 1902. The Council first President was Westport man Joseph MacBride, a brother of Republican activist Major John MacBride (1865 1916). The Castlebar Mitchels, established in 1885, was the first GAA club in Mayo.
Monday, December 17, 2018
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Members of Beverly High School's class of 1967 are invited to a breakfast on Sunday, Aug. 6, at Danversport Yacht Club, 161 Elliott St., Danvers. Tickets are $25 per person and must be purchased before Monday, July 10 through Nancy Gallo Cavanaugh at 508 954 1553 or Maralyn Fillmore Klibansky at 978 922 9213..
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Julain Molnar's voice, studied and sweet. John Connolly has a warm, genuine delivery. And Terry Hatty commands his dry, smooth sustain. The 80s mark a new chapter in Qubcois society, Qubcois cinema in general and the representations of homosexuality that were produced here. 1980 saw Ren Lvesque's dreams of an independent Qubec shattered, as a province wide referendum allowed 59% of the French Canadian province to vote against leaving Canada. Lvesque's infamous "A la prochaine" comments signalled that he had not given up on the independence dream; the Qubcois cinema industry had, however, done exactly that.
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